Simplify how you work.
Use Turnsmith to maintain just the right inventory for your site automatically. Our tools monitor the consumption of inventory in real time, evaluates when to place an order and then places the order so that it is delivered to you just when you need it.

Your busy site deserves Turnsmith.

Scan to order
Symply scan the Kanban card for each part as it is used and Turnsmith does the rest. The software knows how much inventory you have, how it is consumed and calculates whether you need to order now or after more parts are used.

Plan for every part..
Every part has a unique plan in Turnsmith. No more human errors or miscalculations. Automatically adjust plans for volatile lead times and supplement forecasts with actual demand.

Supplier portal
Turnsmith for Suppliers generates real-time order signals to a free supplier web portal where they can confirm, ship, and even send ASNs. Granular historical data improves supplier collaboration and performance.

Visibility across the supply chain.
Monitor the status for thousands of parts in real-time, and quickly identify what needs immediate attention.. Get alerts when an order ships late so that you can adjust your floor schedule if needed. Run reports on your suppliers reliability, inventory levels and much more.

All day every day statistics from your consumption and your suppliers are fed into Turnsmith. Our proprietary algorithms provide recommendations for which plansand suppliers need your attention.

Easy implementation
Turnsmith has implementation down to a science. With easy to use templates and a team ready to help with any needed integrations, we can have you up and running in as little as 30 days.

Radically reduce your inventory.
All materials have different patterns for demand usage and replenishment. Turnsmith provides a comprehensive set of tools which determines the best plan for each part, and has an engine that is continually evaluating to determine if any individual part plan needs to be updated. Our clients have reported reductions in inventory of 30% or more.

A big challenge of bringing software into your business is getting it implemented. Turnsmith’s customer success team is ready to work with you to get your site up and running within 30 days.
Guaranteed Value in 30 Days or Less
If for whatever reason you cannot achieve the results that you want from Turnsmith in 30 days after going live we’ll give you your money back. It’s that simple.
Reduce Inventory and Increase On Time Delivery
See why sites and suppliers across the globe are choosing Turnsmith.
Three signs that you need Turnsmith
If you’re reading this and struggling with your legacy systems, you probably already know that implementation is in your future, but here are the three signs that you definitely need to start using Turnsmith today:

Too much cash tied up in inventory
You have better things to do with your money then to spend it on inventory you don’t need right now. Turnsmith orders exactly what you need, when you need it.

You’re not delivering on-time
One of the main drivers for missing on-time delivery is inventory you need not being on hand when you need it. Turnsmith makes sure that everything you need is available for your floor and alerts you if there is an issue with a particular supplier.

Breakdowns between you and your suppliers
Emails, POs and phone calls lead to supplier confusion. With Turnsmith your suppliers are sent consistent notifications for orders right from the system. In addition, their shipment performance is monitored and your team is given alerts when a supplier doesn’t deliver as promised.
TIP: If you or your staff is asking for a new system and there’s a resistance to an inventory management change, one of the ways to combat this is to schedule a demo so everyone can see what’s out there. Plus, when everyone feels like they’re included in the decision process it’ll make implementation much easier.

Turnsmith is ready for you.

Plant/Materials Manager
You have better things to do with your money then to spend it on inventory you don’t need right now. Turnsmith orders exactly what you need, when you need it.

Finance Leader
One of the main drivers for missing on-time delivery is inventory you need not being on hand when you need it. Turnsmith makes sure that everything you need is available for your floor and alerts you if there is an issue with a particular supplier.

Supplier collaboration is made seamless with Turnsmith. Visibility is increased dramatically. Your customers orders are placed automatically based on when your products are used, how they are consumed and how long it takes for delivery. No more frantic phone calls or lost orders. With tools for confirmations and shipping notifications, suppliers and their customers are always aligned.

Don’t take our word for it.
Our Satisfied Customers

“Turnsmith gave me my life back!”
-CEO, Koss Creative

“What led us to decide to go with Turnsmith was sheer frustration- and the need to start managing instead of reacting.”
-Planner, Pacific Scientific HTL

“Within the first three months we cut the inventory levels of the first two suppliers in half and reduced lead times from 4 weeks to 10 days!”
-Director of Supply Chain, Power Partners, Inc.